Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Either a very Cleaver or Stupid Idea

I have already posted about headphones previously, how I think I should have good headphones for my music project.  According to the research and web searching, headphones can go up to several hundreds of dollars. Due to the limited budget problem however, I still don't have a great pair of headphones to use. Good headphones are critical. As I have experienced, there is a big difference in the quality of music using normal earphones and professional headphones. There are some sounds that regular earphones cannot express. So far, I have borrowed my friends headphones and used my regular earphones. Although the project is close to its ending, I am still saving money to get headphones for my future convenience. However, that is a plan that takes time, and I need some immediate solution for this problem. The solution that I finally came up with is use my car speakers. 
I have a 2010 Jeep that have great quality speakers that are built in. I listen music whenever I drive in my car, and it is a great source of inspirations of new ideas. I thought about connecting my laptop into my car, and work on my music project inside my car, like a mini studio!!! It will be dark and quiet, quite comfortable as well. When I told this to Jon, my WISE classmate who is also doing a music WISE project, he gave me some advice and things to consider. First, he pointed out the battery issue. There is a possible chance of running out of battery, and as we all know, that will be very annoying to recharge. He also told me that I will have to adjust my speaker frequency ideal to music project. 
I think this is a very funny idea. I don't know if it would work, but it is definitely worth a try!!!!   

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